Adobe Indesign cc - Essentials Training Course
What is Adobe Indesign cc- Essentials?
It is use to create poster, flyers, magazine and newspaper etc.
1. Selection Tool (V)
We can give selection to the object, and can also give transformation from property bar we can change position, outline style and with.
2. Direct Selection Tool (A)
We can move the node of selected shape and can also give curing.
3. Group Selection Tool
We this tool we can also move selected object with this option, all node get selected in a group.
4. Pen Tool
We can make any shape.
5. Add Anchor Point Tool
We can add node on shape.
6. Delete Anchor Point Tool
We can delete node on shape.
7. Convert Point Tool ( Shift + C)
We can give curing in our selected node.
8. Type Tool ( T )
We can type what do want.
9. Type on Path Tool ( Shift + T )
We can type our text according to any path.
10. Line Tool ( \ )
We can draw line.
11. Pencil Tool
We can make any shape.
12. Smooth Tool
We can give smooth to the node.
13. Erase Tool
We can erase path.
14. Rectangle Frame Tool ( F )
We can Add rectangle frame shape.
15. Ellipse Frame Tool
We can Add ellipse frame shape.
16. Poly Frame Tool
We can Add poly frame shape.
17. Rectangle Tool
We can draw rectangle shape.
18. Ellipse Tool
We can draw ellipse shape.
19. Polygon Tool
We can draw polygon shape.
20. Rotate Tool ( R )
We can rotate shape.
21. Scale Tool ( S )
We can scale shape.
22. Shear Tool ( o )
We can shear shape.
23. Free Transform Tool
We can skew our selected object.
24. Eye Dropper Tool
We can selected the colour.
25. Gradient Tool
We can fill gradient colour.
26. Scissor Tool
We can cut node.
27. Hand Tool (H)
We can move page.
28. Zoom Tool (Z)
We can zoom page.
Type Menu
2. Size
3. Character (Ctrl+T) :-We can give formatting in our selected text.
4. Paragraph (Alt+T) :- We can apply paragraph formatting in our selected paragraph.
5. Tab :- We can set the tabs.
6. Glyphs (Alt+Shift+F11) :-We can insert symbol in selected paragraph.
- Insert the cursor in a text box.
-Click on type menu.
-Click on Glyphs.
-Double click on selected or click on insert commands.
7. Character style (Shift+F11):- We can create new character style, which we can apply on text.
- Click on type menu
-Click on character style
-Window will get open
-Click on new
-Double click on layer
-Give the name to style
-Create style according to option
-Click on ok
-Select the text and apply.
8. Paragraph style:- We can create new paragraph style, which we can apply on paragraph.
8. Paragraph style:- We can create new paragraph style, which we can apply on paragraph.
- Click on type menu
- Click on type menu
-Click on paragraph style
-Window will get open
-Click on new
-Double click on layer
-Give the name to style
-Create style according to option
-Click on ok
-Select the text and apply.
9. Create outline (Shift+Ctrl+O):- We can convert the selected text in to curve by which nodes
appear on text so that we can change text shape.
10. Find font:- We can search the font used in a file, and can replace with any other font
E.g:- Arial to Times new roman.
11. Type on a path:- We can give the formatting to the text which can type according to path.
12. Insert special character:- We can insert special character like, space dash, trode mark symbol
text between text.
13. Insert break character:- We can insert paragraph break, line break, character etc.
14. Show hidden character (Alt+Ctrl+I):- We can show the hidden character like space
mark, paragraph mark in selected paragraph.
9. Create outline (Shift+Ctrl+O):- We can convert the selected text in to curve by which nodes
appear on text so that we can change text shape.
10. Find font:- We can search the font used in a file, and can replace with any other font
E.g:- Arial to Times new roman.
11. Type on a path:- We can give the formatting to the text which can type according to path.
12. Insert special character:- We can insert special character like, space dash, trode mark symbol
text between text.
13. Insert break character:- We can insert paragraph break, line break, character etc.
14. Show hidden character (Alt+Ctrl+I):- We can show the hidden character like space
mark, paragraph mark in selected paragraph.
Object Menu
1. Move:- (Shift+Ctrl+M):- We can rotate, move change size of a selected object.
- Select the object
- Click on object menu
- Click on transform
- Choose rotate, move, skew, size etc.
- Type the value
- Click on ok
2. Scale
3. Rotate
4. Shear
5. Rotate 90 Clock wise
6. Rotate 180 Clock wise
7. Flip Horizontal
8. Flip Vertical
9. Clear Transform
10. Transform Again:- We can do again transform.
11. Arrange:- We can change of selected object.
I. Bring to font (Shift+Ctrl+])
II. Bring forward (Ctrl+])
III. Send backward (Ctrl+[)
IV. Send to back (Shift+Ctrl+[)
12. Select:- This command is used to select the object.
I. First object above (Alt+Shift+Ctrl+]):- We can select the first object above.
I. First object above (Alt+Shift+Ctrl+]):- We can select the first object above.
II. Next object above (Alt+Ctrl+]):- We can select the object above selected object.
III. Next object below (Alt+Ctrl+[):- We can select the object below selected object.
IV. Last object below (Alt+Shift+Ctrl+[):- We can select the last object below.
13. Group (Ctrl+g)
17.Text frame option:- We can give alignment, column, margin, for the selected text.
17.Text frame option:- We can give alignment, column, margin, for the selected text.
- Select the text box
- Click on object menu
- Click on text frame object
- Click no of column
- Give alignment or margin
- Click on ok
18. Fitting:- We can arrange the text according to text box or text box according to text.
I. Fit content to frame (Alt+Ctrl+e):- We can fit content according to frame.
18. Fitting:- We can arrange the text according to text box or text box according to text.
I. Fit content to frame (Alt+Ctrl+e):- We can fit content according to frame.
II. Fit frame to content (Alt+Ctrl+c):-We can arrange frame according to content.
III. Centre content (Shift+Ctrl+e):- We can arrange content centre of frame.
IV. Fit content proportionally (Alt+Shift+Ctrl+e):- We can fit content vertical.
V. Fit frame proportionally (Alt+Shift+Ctrl+c):- We can arrange image according to frame.
19. Content:- We can change the shape of one selected shape to any other shape.
E.g:- Selected rectangle to graphic shape, text box or to change to any other shape.
20. Effect:- Transparency:- We can apply transform drop shadow (Alt+Ctrl+m):- We can
apply shadow inner shadow, outer glow, inner glow, bevel and emboss, satin, basic
feather, directional feather, gradient feather, clear effect clear all transparency global light.
21.Corner option:-We can change the corner style of selected object.
22. Path:-
I. Joint:- We can join open node.
II. Open path:-We can open the path.
III. Close path:- We can join path.
23. Path finder:-
I. Add:- We can join two object.
II. Subtract:-We can subtract object.
III. Intersect:- We can see the command portion of two selection.
IV. Exclude:- We can remove commands portion.
V. Minus back:- We can delete the back object.
VI. Exclude overlap:- We can convert our selected shape with any other shape.
IV. Fit content proportionally (Alt+Shift+Ctrl+e):- We can fit content vertical.
V. Fit frame proportionally (Alt+Shift+Ctrl+c):- We can arrange image according to frame.
19. Content:- We can change the shape of one selected shape to any other shape.
E.g:- Selected rectangle to graphic shape, text box or to change to any other shape.
20. Effect:- Transparency:- We can apply transform drop shadow (Alt+Ctrl+m):- We can
apply shadow inner shadow, outer glow, inner glow, bevel and emboss, satin, basic
feather, directional feather, gradient feather, clear effect clear all transparency global light.
21.Corner option:-We can change the corner style of selected object.
22. Path:-
I. Joint:- We can join open node.
II. Open path:-We can open the path.
III. Close path:- We can join path.
23. Path finder:-
I. Add:- We can join two object.
II. Subtract:-We can subtract object.
III. Intersect:- We can see the command portion of two selection.
IV. Exclude:- We can remove commands portion.
V. Minus back:- We can delete the back object.
VI. Exclude overlap:- We can convert our selected shape with any other shape.
Table Menu
1. Insert Table:- We can insert table in a select frame.
- Draw the frame tool
- Click on table menu
- Click on insert table
- Give no of row and column
- Click on ok
2. Convert text to table:- We can convert select text to table with now and column.
3. Convert table to text:- We can change the select table into simple text or paragraph.
- Click on table menu.
- Click on convert table to text
- Choose paragraph, comma, space etc.
- Click on ok
4. Table option:-
I. Table setup (Alt+Ctrl+b):- We can insert new row or column into selected table.
II. Alternating row stroke:- We can change row height, with colour etc.
III. Alternating column stroke:- We can change column height, with colour etc.
5. Alternating Fill:- We can fill the colour to the row or column.
6. Header and Footer:- We can set the header or footer row of table.
7. Cell option:-
I. Text:- We can give alignment to the selected text.
II. Stroke and fill:- We can give outline to the selected call and fill colour to the cell.
III. Row and column:- We can give stoke colour ti the row or column.
IV. Header or Footer :- We can insert header or footer row.
V. Insert:- We can insert row and column in our table.
VI. Delete:-We can delete select row, column table.
VII. Select:- This command is used to select the following.
- Cell, row column, table header row, footer row, body row.
VIII. Merge cell:- We can combine two or more cell together in to single cell.
IX. Unmerge cell:- We can remove the margin from merged cell.
X. Spilt cell horizontally:-We can divide the selected cell vertically into two party.
XI. Convert row
XII. To Header:- We can change select top row in to header now.
XIII. To Body:- We can change top or bottom now in body row.
XIV. To Footer:- We can convert bottom.
XV. Distribute row evenly:- We can make height of all the row of a table equal.
XVI. Distribute column evenly:- We can make with all of the column of a table equal.
XVII. Go to row:- We can select any row by giving no of row.
XVIII. Edit header:- We can do change in header row.
XIX. Edit footer:- We can do editing in footer row.
II. Stroke and fill:- We can give outline to the selected call and fill colour to the cell.
III. Row and column:- We can give stoke colour ti the row or column.
IV. Header or Footer :- We can insert header or footer row.
V. Insert:- We can insert row and column in our table.
VI. Delete:-We can delete select row, column table.
VII. Select:- This command is used to select the following.
- Cell, row column, table header row, footer row, body row.
VIII. Merge cell:- We can combine two or more cell together in to single cell.
IX. Unmerge cell:- We can remove the margin from merged cell.
X. Spilt cell horizontally:-We can divide the selected cell vertically into two party.
XI. Convert row
XII. To Header:- We can change select top row in to header now.
XIII. To Body:- We can change top or bottom now in body row.
XIV. To Footer:- We can convert bottom.
XV. Distribute row evenly:- We can make height of all the row of a table equal.
XVI. Distribute column evenly:- We can make with all of the column of a table equal.
XVII. Go to row:- We can select any row by giving no of row.
XVIII. Edit header:- We can do change in header row.
XIX. Edit footer:- We can do editing in footer row.
Layout Menu
1. Page:-
I. Add page (Shift+Ctrl+p):- We can add single page in our file.
II. Insert page :- We can insert page by giving page no.
III. Move page :- We can change the position.
IV. Duplicate spread:- We can create a duplicate of our open page.
V. Delete page:- We can delete the page by giving no.
2. Margin and Column:- We can insert column guide in file.
3. Rule guide:- We can change the colour of ruler guide file.
4. Create guide:- We can insert row or column guide line.
5. First page (Shift+Ctrl+Page up):-We can jump page on first page to any other page.
6. Previous page (Shift+ page up)
7. Next page (Shift+ page down)
8. Last page (Shift+ Ctrl+page down)
9. Next spread (Alt+page down)
10. Previous spread (Shift + page down)
11. Go to page (Ctrl+j)
12. Go back (Ctrl+Page up)
13. Go forward (Ctrl+page down)
14. Numbering snd option:- We can change the page no style.
E.g:- ABC, 123, I II III
Edit Menu
1. Undo (Ctrl+z)
2. Redo (Shift+Ctrl+z)
3. Cut (Ctrl+x)
4. Copy (Ctrl+c)
5. Paste (Ctrl+v)
6. Paste without formatting (Shift+Ctrl+u):- We can paste copy text formatting.
7. Paste into (Alt+Ctrl+v):- We can paste select object or text on to any other or object.
8. Paste in space (Alt+shift+Ctrl+v):- We can paste selected object on copy object.
9. Clear (Backspace)
10. Duplicate (Alt+Shift+Ctrl+d)
11. Step and repeat (Alt+Ctrl+v):- We can give no of copies to the selected object and
paste horizontally or vertically.
12. Select all (Ctrl+a)
13. Deselect all (Shift+Ctrl+a)
14. Find/Change (Ctrl+f)
15. Find next (Alt+Ctrl+f)
16. Spelling (Ctrl+l)
17. Transparency blend space:- We can convert mode RGB or CMYK.
18. Transparency flattern preset:- We can giving curing to the selected text and can also create preset
to change the outline in to object.
19. Keyboard Shortcut
20. Menus.
21. Preferences
I. General (Ctrl+k)
View Menu
1. Overprint preview (Alt+Shift+Ctrl+y)
2. Zoom in (Ctrl+++)
3. Zoom out (Ctrl+--)
4. Fit page in window (Ctrl+0)
5. Fit spread in window
6. Actual size (Ctrl+i)
7. Entire past board (Alt+Ctrl+0)
8. Rotate spread:- We can rotate our selected page according to angle.
9. Screen mode:- We can convert our screen mode.
10. Hide frame edges (Ctrl+h)
11. Hide ruler (Ctrl+r)
12. Grids and guides.
I. Hide guide (F4)
II. Lock guide (Alt_Ctrl+;)
III. Lock column guides
IV. Snap to guides
V. Smart guides
VI. Show baseline grid (Alt+F7)
VII. Show document grid (Alt+')
VIII. Snap to document grid (Shift+Ctrl+')
Window Menu
1. Arrange :- We can arrange all open files of windows in case code or tile format.
2. Workspace:- We can save the open plate in our window.
3. Colour:- We can show or hidden colour window.
4. Control (F9)
5. Gradient:- We can fill gradient colour.
6. Info:- We can give alignment in our select object.
7. Layer
8. Object & Layout
I. Align (Ctrl+,):- We can give alignment in our select object.
II. Path finder
III. Transform
9. Page(F4)
10. Stroke (Ctrl+b)
11. Swatches (F12)
12. Text Wrap (Ctrl+t):- We can given wrapping.
13. Types and Table
I. Cell style
II. Character (Shift+d)
III. Character Style
IV. Glyphs
V. Paragraph (Ctrl+m)
VI. Paragraph Style
VI. Style
VII. Table (Shift +F9)
13. Types and Table
I. Cell style
II. Character (Shift+d)
III. Character Style
IV. Glyphs
V. Paragraph (Ctrl+m)
VI. Paragraph Style
VI. Style
VII. Table (Shift +F9)
File Menu
1. New
I. Document (Ctrl+n)
II. Book:- We can create book and add page to the book.
- Steps.
- Click on file menu
- Click on new
- Click on book
- Save by giving any name.
- Click on add document and select the file to item to open
- To add the page click on add
III. Library:- We can save object image etc of a file. the object saved in library can be open in any
document to the object.
- Steps.
- Click on file menu
- Click on new
- Click on library
- Save by giving any name.
- Drag the image from document and insert into library.
2. Open (Ctrl+o)
3. Close (Ctrl+w)
4. Save (Ctrl+s)
5. Save as (Shift +Ctrl+s)
6. Save a copy (Alt+ Ctrl+s)
7. Revert
8. Place (Ctrl+e)
9. Export (Alt+Ctrl+e)
10. Document setup (Alt+Shift+p)
11. File Info (Alt+shift+Ctrl+I)
12. Print (Ctrl+p)
13. Exit (Ctrl+Q)
3. Close (Ctrl+w)
4. Save (Ctrl+s)
5. Save as (Shift +Ctrl+s)
6. Save a copy (Alt+ Ctrl+s)
7. Revert
8. Place (Ctrl+e)
9. Export (Alt+Ctrl+e)
10. Document setup (Alt+Shift+p)
11. File Info (Alt+shift+Ctrl+I)
12. Print (Ctrl+p)
13. Exit (Ctrl+Q)
Thank You So Much
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