Quark Xpress - Training Course
What is QuarkXpress?
It is a application mainly used for creating and editing complex page layout. it runs on mac and windows.
Quark Xpress is primarily used by large publishing house to produce the kind of complex page layout required by Magazines, Newspaper, Catalogs etc.
1. Item Tool (V):-
We can select the object.
2. Text content tool(T):-
We can write in text box and we can also move picture in a picture box.
3. Picture content tool(R):-
We can insert the image in picture box.
-Draw the picture box.
-Click on file menu
-Click on import picture
-Select the picture
-Click on open
4. Rectangle tool (B):-
We can draw the rectangle shape.
5. Oval tool (B):-
We can draw the oval shape.
6. Star tool (L):-
We can draw the star shape.
7. Line tool (L):-
We can draw the line tool.
8. Bezier pen tool (P):-
We can make free handle any shape.
(I). Add point tool:- We can add new nodes on shape.
(II). Remove point tool:- We can remove extra nodes.
(III). Convert Point tool:- We can give curving to the nodes.
9. Scissor tool:-
We can cut the selected nodes and divide into two parts.
10. Select point tool:-
We can select the nodes.
11. Free hand drawing tool:-
We can make free handle any shape.
12. Table tool (G):-
This tool is used to insert table.
-Click on table menu
-Draw the table
-Give no of row and column
-Choose picture or text cell
-Click on ok
13. Zoom tool (Z):-
We can zoom our file.
14. Hand tool (X):-
We can move free handle our file.
Style Menu
1. Font
2. Size
3. Font style:- We can apply style on fonts.
(I). Plain (Ctrl+Shift+P)
(II). Bold (Ctrl+Shift+B)
(III). Italic (Ctrl+Shift+I)
(IV). Underline (Ctrl+Shift+I)
(V). Word underline (Ctrl+Shift+U)
(VI). Single Strikethrough (Ctrl+Shift+/)
(VII). Double Strikethrough (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+/)
(VIII). Outline (Ctrl+Shift+O)
(IX). Shadow (Ctrl+Shift+Y)
(X). All caps (Ctrl+Shift+K)
(XI). Small copy (Ctrl+Shift+H)
(X). Superscript (Ctrl+Shift+0)
(XI). Subscript (Ctrl+Shift+9)
4. Change case
5. Color
6. Shade
7. Opacity
8. Horizontal Vertical scale:- We can set selected text horizontal or vertically.
9. Baseline Shift:- We can down the position of selected text.
10. Character (Ctrl+Shift+D):- We can give formatting to the select text.
E.g- To change font style, colour, scale opacity.
11. Character style sheet:- We can apply our own style to the select text.
(Q) How to create our own style?
- Click on edit menu
- Click on style sheet
- Click on new
- Click on character
- Give the style name
- Create any style
- Click on ok
- Click on save
- To apply select the text and click on style menu
- Click on character style
- Click on style name
12. Alignment
(I). Left (Ctrl+Shift+L)
(II). Centered (Ctrl+Shift+C)
(III). Right (Ctrl+Shift+R)
(IV). Justfide (Ctrl+Shift+J)
(V). Force(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+J)
13. Leading:- With this option we can give space between selected lines.
14. Character alignment:- We can give alignment in our text from top, middle, bottom, justified.
15. Format (Ctrl+Shift+F)
16.Tabs (Ctrl+Shift+T)
17. Paragraph style sheet:- We can create paragraph style, where we can set alignment.
18. Flip horizontal and Flip vertical:- We can flip text horizontal or vertical.
Item Menu
1. Modify (Ctrl+M):- We can give outline, style, shadow, text wrapping etc. To the select text.
2. Frame (Ctrl+B):- We give border style to the selected object and can also change colour
and opacity.
3. Runaround (Ctrl+T):- We can give text wrapping to the select text.
4. Duplicate (Ctrl+D)
5. Step and Repeat (Ctrl+Alt+D):- We can make copies of horizontal or vertical direction of
selection if selected object and can paste.
- Select the object.
- Click on item menu
- Click on step and repeat command
- Give no of copies
- Give horizontal or vertical offset
- Click on ok
6. Delete (Ctrl+K)
7. Group (Ctrl+G)
8. Ungroup (Ctrl+U)
9. Lock
10. Merge:- We can merge the two selected object in a different way.
11. Intersection:- We can separate common part of two selected object.
12. Union:- We can join two object together.
13. Combine:- We can separate two combine object.
14. Arrange
(I). Send back word (Ctrl+Shift+F5)
(I). Send back word (Ctrl+Shift+F5)
(II). Send to back (Shift+F5)
(III). Bring to for word (Ctrl+F5)
(IV). Bring to front (F5)
15. Space Align:- We can give alignment to the selected object according to page and we can
also give alignment to two selected object.
(I). Apply Last (Ctrl+Alt+I):- We can give same last alignment to the text.
(II). Item relation:- We can give alignment to the selected object.
(A). Align Left
(B). Align Right
(C). Align Center
(D). Align Top
(E). Align Bottom
16. Shape:- We can replace the selected shape with any other space.
E.g:- Rectangle to rounded, ellipse etc.
17. Content:- We can select shape with any other shape like. picture, text, object.
18. Drop shadow(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D):- We can apply shadow or object.
19. Super step and repeat:- We can move rotate change position, scale, horizontal or vertical
Position according to center point and can paste according to no of copies.
-Select the object
- Click on item menu
- Click on super step and repeat
- Choose the center point
- Give angle value, horizontal or vertical value.
- Give no of copies
- Click on ok
15. Space Align:- We can give alignment to the selected object according to page and we can
also give alignment to two selected object.
(I). Apply Last (Ctrl+Alt+I):- We can give same last alignment to the text.
(II). Item relation:- We can give alignment to the selected object.
(A). Align Left
(B). Align Right
(C). Align Center
(D). Align Top
(E). Align Bottom
16. Shape:- We can replace the selected shape with any other space.
E.g:- Rectangle to rounded, ellipse etc.
17. Content:- We can select shape with any other shape like. picture, text, object.
18. Drop shadow(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D):- We can apply shadow or object.
19. Super step and repeat:- We can move rotate change position, scale, horizontal or vertical
Position according to center point and can paste according to no of copies.
-Select the object
- Click on item menu
- Click on super step and repeat
- Choose the center point
- Give angle value, horizontal or vertical value.
- Give no of copies
- Click on ok
Page Menu
1. Insert Page:- We can insert page by given page no.
2. Delete page:- We can delete page by page number.
3. Move Page:- We can move the selected page by giving page number.
4. Master guide and grid:- We can insert column guide of page.
5. Selection:- We can change style page number.
E.g:- 1,2,3,I,II,III
6. Previous
7. Next
8. First
9. Last
10. Go to (Ctrl+J):- We can go to one page tp another page.
11. Display:- We can display layout to master page to layout.
Table Menu
This Menu is used to create table by inserting row and column. We can also delete any rows or column or cells.
(Q):- How can we insert table?
- Select the table tool
- After draw the table window will get open
- Give the no of row column and also select. picture cell or text cell option
- Click on ok
1. Insert :- We can insert row or column
2. Select:- We can select even row, column, add column, cell, table etc. We can also select
header and footer row.
3. Delete:- We can delete select row, column or cell.
4. Combine cell:- We can combine select cell.
5. Convert:- We can change selected text to table.
6. Convert table:- We can convert table in to text or group.
Window Menu
1. New Window
2. Split window:- We can divide selected window in two parts horizontal or vertically.
3. Cascade
4. Tile horizontal
5.Tile Vertically
6. Arrange icons
7. Close all
8. Tools(F8)
9. Measurement(F9)
10. Page layout (F4)
11. Style sheet (F11)
12. Colors (F12)
13. Glyphs:- We can insert symbol in a text.
14. Show/Hide layer
15. Picture effect:- We can apply some photo shop effect to the selected picture.
16. Psd import:- We can import photo shop file file in quarkxpress.
Edit Menu
1. Undo (Ctrl+Z)
2. Redo (Ctrl+Y)
3. Cut (Ctrl+X)
4. Copy (Ctrl+C)
5. Paste (Ctrl+V)
6. Paste in place (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V):- We can paste the object at the some place from where it is cut
or copy.
7. Paste special:- We can paste the format or unformatted text.
8. Delete
9.Select all(Ctrl+A)
10. Insert object:- We can insert object from any other application to the opened file.
11. Show/Hide clip board :- This command start the cut or copied text, from where we can paste
the text in to open page and we can also delete the text. but window must be show to paste
the text directly from clipboard.
12. Find/Change (Ctrl+F)
13. Preferences (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Y)
14. Style sheet (Shift+F11):- This option is used to create new style for paragraph or character and
can apply for style menu only.
15. Colour (Ctrl+F12):- We can add new colour to the default colour box. Which we can use directly from control palette.
16. Dashes and strip:- We can create our new style which we can apply on object strokes.
17. Underline style:- We can create new style underline.
11. Show/Hide clip board :- This command start the cut or copied text, from where we can paste
the text in to open page and we can also delete the text. but window must be show to paste
the text directly from clipboard.
12. Find/Change (Ctrl+F)
13. Preferences (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Y)
14. Style sheet (Shift+F11):- This option is used to create new style for paragraph or character and
can apply for style menu only.
15. Colour (Ctrl+F12):- We can add new colour to the default colour box. Which we can use directly from control palette.
16. Dashes and strip:- We can create our new style which we can apply on object strokes.
17. Underline style:- We can create new style underline.
File Menu
1. New
2. Project (Ctrl+N)
3. Book:- We can create book and add pages to that book.
2. Project (Ctrl+N)
3. Book:- We can create book and add pages to that book.
- Click on file menu
- Click on new
- Click on book
- Save the file by giving any name
- Click on add document
- Select the file and click on open
4. Library:- We can create library and add and any selected object to library.
- Click on file menu
- Click on new
- Click on library
- Drag the object in library
5. Open (Ctrl+O)
6. Close
7. Save (Ctrl+S)
8. Save as (Ctrl+Shift+S)
9. Revert to saved:- We can remove unsaved work of our file.
10. Import
11. Save text (Ctrl+Alt+E):- We can save our selected text.
12. Save Picture:- We can save the picture of our selected picture.
13. Append (Ctrl+Alt+A):- We can bring character style, underline style colour etc. Created in to any the opened file.
14. Export
15. Print (Ctrl+P)
16. Exit (Ctrl+Q)
4. Library:- We can create library and add and any selected object to library.
- Click on file menu
- Click on new
- Click on library
- Drag the object in library
5. Open (Ctrl+O)
6. Close
7. Save (Ctrl+S)
8. Save as (Ctrl+Shift+S)
9. Revert to saved:- We can remove unsaved work of our file.
10. Import
11. Save text (Ctrl+Alt+E):- We can save our selected text.
12. Save Picture:- We can save the picture of our selected picture.
13. Append (Ctrl+Alt+A):- We can bring character style, underline style colour etc. Created in to any the opened file.
14. Export
15. Print (Ctrl+P)
16. Exit (Ctrl+Q)
View Menu
1. Fit in window (Ctrl+O)
2. Actual size (Ctrl+L)
3. 200%
4. Thumbnail (Ctrl+F6)
5. Guides (F7)
6. Page grid (Ctrl+F7)
7. Snap to guide (Shift+F7)
8. Ruler (Ctrl+R)
9. Ruler direction
(Q) How can we give hyperlink in quark ?
Ans:- In Quark hyperlink can we used in web layout only.
- Click on file menu
- Click on new
- Select web layout
- Select paper size, link, colour, background etc.
- Click on ok
- Types text by using text tool.
- To give hyperlink select the text.
- Click on style menu
- Click on hyperlink
- Select the file for link
10. Click on ok
11. Click on page menu.
12. Click on view html to see the preview.
Thank You So Much
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