Photoshop cc Special Effects

1. Project Set the fire on road

- Insert the image of racing car
- Insert another image of spark
- Click on lasso tool
- Create a selection fire
- Press shift+F6 to feather the selection
- Select the fire press Ctrl+T
- Right click with mouse
- Select wrap option
- Adjust the node
- Select eraser tool with soft brush setting
- Erase the fire above the wheel
- Select the fire layer and make the duplicate layer and place on other location.

    (If try this project please)

2. Project Building a bridge over water 

- Insert the image of river or lake
- Insert new layer and create a rounded rectangle using rectangle shape tool.
- Select the rectangle
- Click on pattern stamp tool
- Choose the wooden colour pattern and fill in rectangle.
- select the layer and create duplicate layer.
- Merge all the rectangle layer by pressing Ctrl+E
- Press Ctrl+T right click and select distort option
- Adjust the nodes
- Select the rectangle layer
- Double click on layer
- Clip on drop shadow
- Blend mode (multiply), Opacity (49) Angle (4) distance (11) Spread(4) Size (6) Noise (0)
- Click on bevel and emboss
- Style (Inner bevel), Technique (Smooth), Depth (750), Direction (Down, Size (0), Soften (0)
   Angle (14) use global light, attitude (30), gloss contour (m type), Highlight mode (Screen, 
   white colour, 75), Shadow mode (Multiply, Black (75)
- Make rounded rectangle and place vertically
- Merge all the layer
- Press Ctrl+T right click with mouse and select distort option.
- Adjust the nodes
- Double click on layer for layer style
- Select bevel and emboss
- Style (inner bevel), Depth (Up), Size (0), Soften (0), angle (14), use global light, attitude (30)
   Gloss contour (m type), highlight mode (screen, white, 75), Shadow mode (Multiply, black (75)
- Duplicate the layer and place on other side of bridge.

3. Project Baby Day Out

- Steps:-
- Open the image of TV and insert another image
- Scale down the image according to TV size
- Hide the baby layer
- Select the screen of TV using rectangle marquee tool
- Unhide the baby layer
- Select the baby layer and enable layer mask from the layer palate
- Create selection of baby using lasso tool
- Insert another image of baby
- Apply drop shadow
- Style (Multiply), colour black, Opacity (75) angle (30) use global light, distance (6) spread
  (0) size (10) contour (default) noise (0)

4. Project Creating Smoke

- Steps:-
- Insert new layer
- Click on brush tool
- Select white colour
- Change the opacity 41
- Make the smoke
- Click on filter menu
- Click on noise
- Click on add noise
- Give value
- Click on smudge tool
- Set the smoke.

Thank You So Much

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