Adobe Flash cc - Essentials Training Course Part-1

What is Adobe Flash cc- Essentials?

Flash is an animation format developed by the company adobe. it is used to create vector graphic
based animation program with full screen navigation. Flash is a flexible software package and it is
the most efficient means of animation on the web at the moment.

Type of File

1. Still file-FLA
2. Animation -SWF


1. Selection tools (V):-

With this command we can select the object with double click we can select fill colour or outline colour both.

2. Sub select tool (A):-

With this tool we can curving to the nodes.

3. Transform tool (Q):- 

We can change the scale, angle skew etc. of selected object.

4. Gradient Transform Tool (F):-

With this command we can give transformation to the selected object.

5. Lasso tool:- 

We can select our any object or any portion.

6. Pen tool (P):-

Add anchor point tool(+)
Delete anchor point tool(-)
Convert to curve tool (C)

7. Pencil Tool (Y):-

We can draw anything what do you want.

8. Rectangle Tool (R):-

(A) Circle tool (C)
(B) Rectangle primitive tool (R):- With this command we can create rounded rectangle.
(C) Circle primitive tool (C):- With this commands we create circle , arc shape.
(D) Polygon tool

9. Text Tool (T):-

We can Write something.

10. Line tool:-

We can draw The line .

11. Brush tool (B)

12. Spray brush tool (B)

13. Deco Tool (U)

14. Paint bucket tool (K):- 

With this command we can fill any colour.

15. Ink bottle tool (S):-

With this command we can fill any colour in outline .

16. Eraser Tool (E):- 

We can erase the select object and erase according to option.
17. Select fill colour 
18. Outline colour
19. Fill colour
20. Selected outline colour
21. Hand tool (H)
22. Zoom tool (M)

(Q) How can give simple motion?

             - Create object in layer.
             - Select the first frame.
             - Press F6
             - Move the object
             - To see movie press Ctrl+Enter
for Example :-

Onion Marker:-

We can show the position of last frame of an selected object onion marker is used according to option.

Onion Marker all :-

After switching this option, position of last frame.

Blinking Star Effect


- Click On properties.
- Choose black background.
- Select polygon tool and click on properties.
- Click on option and choose star and given no of sides.
- Choose fill colour.
- Create star in a first frame and right click with mouse.
- Click on copy frame.
- Insert new layer.
- Select first frame of new layer (Second layer) and right click with mouse or click on paste frame.
- Without removing selection of star change their position.
- In both layer select any frame (eg- 20 frame) and press F6.
- From first layer delete one frame after another eg:- 2, 4, 6, 8
- Do same in second layer also eg:- 1,3,5,7
- Press Ctrl+Enter


- Click on properties.
- Select black background.
- Make a star shape.
- Select the shape press F8.
- Select movie clip and click on ok.
- Select motion from insert menu.
- Select any frame of layer press F6.
- Select first frame and change alpha value.


With the help of shape effect we can show how one object change to another.
Eg:- To change rectangle shape to circle.
- Make any shape (Rectangle, Circle etc) in first frame.
- Click on frame and choose shape option from insert menu.
- In the same layer, select any frame and press F6 (Eg:- 20 Frame).
- Now create any shape using that frame.
- Delete first shape using that frame.
- Press Ctrl+Enter.


Steps for text:-
- Write any text in first frame.
- Select the text and press Ctrl+B two times.
- Click on frame.
- Click on insert menu choose option shape.
- Select any frame from layer and press F6.
- Now write the text in selected frame.
- Break by pressing Ctrl+B
- Select first text and delete.

Gradient Effect

Shape:- Shape effect is also used for gradient colour.
- Create rectangle shape in first frame.
- Select the rectangle and fill gradient colour.
- Select shape option from insert menu.
- Click on window menu and show colour window.
- Select any next frame of layer and press F6.
- Fill new gradient colour from colour window.
Note:- Now fill the gradient colour in different frame and see the preview.

Movie Clip:-

With the command we can change the selected object, text etc into symbol. After making movie clip only we can given motion rotation and effect to the selected object.
After creating movie clip we cannot do modification like colour change etc to the clip.
To do any changes we have to go to edit menu and can do changes using edit in symbol command.

(Q) How to create movie clip?

- Select the object.
- Press F8
- Click on movie clip and click on ok by giving symbol name.

(Q) How to given motion, rotation etc to the object.

- Select the object.
- Press F8 and create movie clip.
- Click on frame of object.
- Click on properties.
- Select motion from insert menu.
- Choose the rotation type.
1. Auto:- This option is used to give simple motion, to change size and to give effect to the selected 
    movie clip.
2. C.W:- We can give clockwise rotation to the selected object.
3. C.C.W:- We can give counter clockwise rotation to the selected object.
4. Give no of rotation type.
5. Select any frame of layer and press F6.
6. Change position, size etc of an image.

Colour Effect

Colour effect is used to apply alpha, tint etc effect to the selected movie clip. 

Colour Option:-

1. Brightness:- We can increase or decrease the brightness of selected object.
2. Tint:- We can give different colour effect to the selected object.
3. Alpha:- We can change the alpha value of selected object and we can also give fade in or 
   fade out effect.
4. Setting (Advanced):- We can change the RGB value of selected object or image and can give new
   colour effect.

(Q) How can we use colour effect?

- Click on file menu.
- Click on import.
- Click on import to stage.
- Select the file and open it.
- Press to F8 to create movie and give motion.
- Select the first frame.
- Click on image
- Choose the colour option ex:- Alpha, setting etc.
- Set the name for first colour.
- Select last frame ex:- 20
- Click on image
- Set the colour for last frame.

Filter Effect

This command id used to give effect to text object shadow and glow etc.


1. Drop Shadow:- We can give shadow to the select text or object. we can also changes shadow angle,
    Colour, Opacity etc.
2. Glow:- With this command, we can give colour glow to the selected  object.
3. Bevel:- With this command we can give the 3d look to the selected text or object.
4. Gradient Glow:- With this command we can look give glow to the gradient colour of 
    selected object.

(Q) How can we give filter effect?

- Select the object and create movie clip
- Click on frame and give motion.
- Click on filter.
- Choose filter effect e.g:- Shadow, setting etc.
- Select any frame of layer and press F5.
- Change the setting of filter effect in last frame.
Note:- Filter can be used on button also.

Modify Menu

1. Document (Ctrl+J):- With this option we can convert our selected object in to symbol.
2. Convert to symbol (F8):- With this option we can convert our selected object in to symbol.
3. Break apart (Ctrl+B):- in this option we can break our selected object or text.
4. Bitmap:- 
(A) Swap Bitmap:- In this option we can select and replace the image for trace.
(B) Trace Bitmap:- In this option we can trace any image.
5. Symbol
(A). Duplicate symbol:- We can create duplicate of our selected symbol.
6. Timeline
(A). Distribute to layer (Ctrl+Shift+D):- We can distribute the selected frame to other layer.
(B). Layer properties:- We can see the properties of layer like name, colour etc.
(C). Reverse frame:- We can reverse the given motion.
(D). Convert to keyframe(F6):- We can convert the frame into keyframe.
(E). Convert to blank keyframe(F7):- We can insert the blank frame.
7. Transform:- We can give transformation to the selected object.
8. Arrange:- We can arrange our selected object.
(A). Bring to front (Ctrl+shift+Up)
(B). Bring forward (Ctrl+Up)
(C). Send backward (Ctrl+Down)
(D). Send to backward (Ctrl+Shift+Down)
9. Lock(Ctrl+Alt+L)
10. Unlock all (Ctrl+shift+Alt+L)
11. Align
12. Group (Ctrl+G)
13. Ungroup (Ctrl+Shift+G)


                                                             Next Lesson Adobe Flash cc Part-2

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