Adobe Flash cc - Essentials Training Course Part-2
Text Menu
1. Font
2. Size
3. Style
(I). Bold (Shift+Ctrl+B)
(II). Italic (Shift+Ctrl+I)
4. Align
(I). Align Left (Ctrl+Shift+L)
(II). Align Right (Ctrl+shift+R)
(III). Align Justify (Ctrl+shift+J)
5. Scrollable:- We make the scrollable text by using dynamic text.
6. Check Spelling
View Menu
1. Go to :- We can go to the scene by choosing option.
(I). First (Home)
(II). Previous (Page up)
(III). Next (Page down)
(IV). Last (End)
2. Zoom In (Ctrl++)
3. Zoom Out (Ctrl+-)
4. Magnification
5. Pasteboard (Ctrl+Shift+W)
6. Rular (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R)
7. Grid:-
(I). Show grid (Ctrl+')
(II). Edit grid (Ctrl+Alt+G)
8. Guide:-
(I). Show Guides(Ctrl+;) (II). Lock guides (Ctrl+Alt+;)
(III). Edit Guides (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G) (IV). Clear Guides
9. Shaping
10. Hide edge (Ctrl+H)
Clock Project
(Q)How can we make clock project.
- Make the shape and type the number for clock in first layer
- Insert the symbol in layer
- Create movie clip, motion
- Copy the symbol and paste in new layer
- Set the symbol position
- Select any frame of all layer and press F6
- Give the clock wise rotation and changes the centre point position
- Set the preview.
Introduction of guide:-
When we give motion in our selected object and set position. We can see the guide.
- Select the object
- Give movie clip and create motion
- Change object position
- Do the changes in path
Pencil Effect
(Q) How can we make pencil effect?
- Write the text in a first frame of first layer.
- Select the text and break.
- Insert new layer.
- Copy the pencil symbol from character map.
- Paste in new layer , press F8 and create symbol.
- Select any frame from first layer and press F6.
- Again select all frames from first layer and press F6 to. change keyframe.
- Place the pencil symbol at start position on a text of first frame and delete the selected text
leaving some of its part.
- In the same way change the position of a pencil and delete or remove the text after selection and do
it till the time text will not get completed.
Insert Menu
1. New symbol(Ctrl+F8):- We can create a new symbol.
2. Motion Tween:- We can give motion in our selected object.
3. Shape Tween:- We can give shape in our selected object.
4. Timeline:-
(I). Layer:- We can insert layer.
(II). Layer Folder:- We can insert layer folder.
(III). Frame (F5):- We can insert blank frame.
(IV). Keyframe:- We can insert blank keyframe.
5. Scene:- We can insert new scene in our file.
Half Moon Rotation
(Q) How can we make half moon rotation?
- Choose any colour in your file background.
- Create white colour circle in first layer.
- Insert new layer.
- Copy the circle from first layer and paste in second layer.
- Fill black colour in second layer
- Create movie clip and give motion in 2nd layer circle.
- Select any frame of both layer and press F6.
-Change the second layer circle position
- Fill Black colour in background
- Choose any colour in your file background.
- Create white colour circle in first layer.
- Insert new layer.
- Copy the circle from first layer and paste in second layer.
- Fill black colour in second layer
- Create movie clip and give motion in 2nd layer circle.
- Select any frame of both layer and press F6.
-Change the second layer circle position
- Fill Black colour in background
Blinking Star Effect
- Click on properties
- Choose black background
- Choose the polygon tool and click on properties.
- Click on option and choose star and give no of sides.
- Choose the fill.
- Insert new layer.
- Create any object.
- Place the image in star position.
- Create the movie clip of an object give motion.
- Select any frame from both layer and press F6.
- Select the last frame of object layer.
- Change the position of an object.
- Select the object layer and right click with mouse click on mark.
Edit Menu
1. Undo (Ctrl+Z)
2. Redo (Ctrl+Y)
3. Cut (Ctrl+X)
4. Copy (Ctrl+C)
5. Paste (Ctrl+V)
6. Paste in place (Ctrl+shift+V)
7. Paste special
8. Clear (Backspace)
9. Duplicate
10. Select all (Ctrl+A)
11. Deselect all (Ctrl+Shift+A)
12. find and replace (Ctrl+F)
13. Find next (F3)
14. Timeline
A. Remove frame (Shift+F5):- We can remove select frame.
B. Cut Frame (Ctrl+Alt+X):- We can cut the selected frame.
C. Copy Frame (Ctrl+Alt+C):- We can copy the selected frame.
D. Paste Frame (Ctrl+Alt+V):- We can paste cut or copy or frame.
E. Clear Frame (Alt+Backspace):- We can clear the selected frame.
G. Select all frame (Ctrl+Alt+A):-We can select all frame.
15. Edit Menu (^+U):- We can do editing in your symbol
16. Editing Selecting:- We can do editing in selected object
17. Preference(^+U)
18. Customize tool panel:- We can do change in tool panel
19. Keyboard Shortcut.
Intro Of Button
We can make simple or multiple state button in flash.
Multiple State
Up, Over, Down, Hit:- With the help of these commands we can give different effect on any button.
E.g:- To move cursor on button , we can give colour or shadow.
- Select the button object.
- Press F8 and click on button.
- Click on ok
- Double click on button.
- On double click different option comes E.g:- Up, Down, Over, Hit.
- Press F6 after selecting over frame . Now apply filter , Shadow, Underline , Colour etc.
- Click on scene one.
(Q) How can we create action button?
- Type the button text in same or different layer according to requirement like home, contact.
- After 3 layer insert new layer.
- Type the text for first button create movie clip and delete the text.
- Type the text for second and third button.
- Create movie clip and delete the text.
- Select next any frame of all layer and press F5 (E.g:- 20 frame )
- Select the five frame of fourth layer
- Press F6
- Click on window menu
- Click on library
- Insert the first button text
- Select the tenth frame of same layer
- Press F7 for delete text
- Insert the second button text
- Press F7 in 15 frame
- Insert the 3rd button text
- Select the first button
- Click on window menu
- Click on behaviour
- Click on go to or play at frame or label
- Give frame no un which you are insert first button text (Like 5)
- Click on ok
- Same as apply behaviour on other button
- Insert new layer for give stop
- Select the one frame before you insert text like 4th frame
- Press F6, Press F9
- Double click on stop
- Five stop on other position or last position
(Q) How can we do work in scene and create go to button for scene?
Go to:- This option use to any scene of frame in this we can create button for play the different scene
in our file.
E.g:- To create button for playing scene 3.
- Create different scene in file and to insert the scene.
- Click on insert menu and click on scene.
- Create button object in first scene.
- Select the button and press F9.
- After opening the action window.
- Click on script assistance.
- Click on global function.
- Click on timeline control.
- Click on go to.
- Select go to and play.
- Select scene no.
- Give frame no.
Window Menu
1. Duplicate window (Ctrl+Alt+K):- We create duplicate window.
2. Toolbar:- We can show toolbar .
3. Timeline(Ctrl+Alt+T):- We can show or hide tool bar.
4. Tools (Ctrl+F2):- We can show or hide tools.
5. Properties (Ctrl+F3):-We can show or hide property window.
6. Library (Ctrl+L):- We can show or hide property window.
7. Common library (I) Button:- We can use some ready made buttons in our file.
8. Action(F9):- We can show or hide action window.
9. Behaviour (Shift+F3):- We can apply behaviour in selected button.
10. Align (Ctrl+K):- We can give alignment in selected object.
11. Colour (Shift+F9):- We can show or hide colour window or make gradient colour.
12. Info (Ctrl+I):- We can show or hide info window.
13. Swatches ( Ctrl+F9):- We can show or hide colour window.
14. Transform (Ctrl+T):- We can show or hide transform window.
15. Component (Ctrl+F7):- We can show or hide components option window.
16. Hide panel (F4)
14. Transform (Ctrl+T):- We can show or hide transform window.
15. Component (Ctrl+F7):- We can show or hide components option window.
16. Hide panel (F4)
(Q) How can we make stop or play button?
- Make the object.
- Press F8 create movie clip and give motion.
- Select any frame of layer press F6.
- Give rotation.
-Insert new layer.
- Type button text stop, play.
- Create button by pressing F8.
- Select button press F9.
- Double click on stop or play.
(Q) How can we create menu bar button?
- Type the button text in different layer like Home, Contact.
- Insert new layer.
- Select any frame of all layer. Ex:- 20 Frame
- Press F5
- Select 5th frame 3rd Layer.
- Press F6.
- Click on window menu.
- Clock on components.
- Click on menu.
- Select and drag the menu in your file.
- Select next 10 frame of same layer.
- Press F7
- Drag the menu in 10th frame.
- Select the first menu bar.
- Create movie clip.
- Double click on menu bar.
- Insert layer and create buttons.
- Insert new layer and select and text any frame.
- Press f5.
- Select 5th frame.
- Type the text select 10th frame.
- Press F7 type the text.
- Select the button and apply the behaviour.
- Insert new layer and give the stop on same frame.
- Apply same on second menu bar button.
- Insert new layer.
- Select any frame of all layer. Ex:- 20 Frame
- Press F5
- Select 5th frame 3rd Layer.
- Press F6.
- Click on window menu.
- Clock on components.
- Click on menu.
- Select and drag the menu in your file.
- Select next 10 frame of same layer.
- Press F7
- Drag the menu in 10th frame.
- Select the first menu bar.
- Create movie clip.
- Double click on menu bar.
- Insert layer and create buttons.
- Insert new layer and select and text any frame.
- Press f5.
- Select 5th frame.
- Type the text select 10th frame.
- Press F7 type the text.
- Select the button and apply the behaviour.
- Insert new layer and give the stop on same frame.
- Apply same on second menu bar button.
With this option we can give one file link with button.
(Q) How can we give get URL link on button?
- Select The button text.
- Press F9.
- Double click on get url.
- Select the location of file.
- Paste the location and name, Give extension.
Ex:- location /Name Jpeg
Single Frame Motion
We can give single frame motion.
- Select the object.
- Create movie clip.
- Double click on object.
- Again make movie clip give motion.
- Give any motion or any animation in your object.
- Click on scene.
Mask Effect:-
- Export any picture.
- Insert new layer.
- Draw the shape.
- Shape to convert to movie clip press F8 apply motion.
- Select next any frame from both layer and press F6.
- In last frame of object layer change the object position.
- Object layer click in right and select mask.
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