Adobe Illustrator cc - Essentials Training Course Part-1

What is illustrator?

Illustrator is vector drawing program. which is used to draw illustration, cartoon, diagram, chart and logos etc.


1. Selection Tools (Shift):-

This tool is used to select object or move object give transformation to the selected object.

2. Direct Selection Tool (A):-  

This tool is used to selected and move the node.

3. Magic Wand Tool (Y):- 

This tool is used to select same colour object.

4. Lasso Tool (Q):-

This tool is used to select the node of our object.

5. Pen Tool (P):-

This tool is used to create an object.
I. Add anchor point tool(+)
II. Delete anchor point (-)
III. Convert anchor (Shift+C)

6. Type Tool(T):-

This tool is used to write the text.
I. Horizontal Type Tool
II. Horizontal Area Type Tool
III. Horizontal Type on a Path Tool
IV. Vertical Type Tool
V. Vertical Area Type Tool
VI. Vertical Type on a Path Tool

7. Line Segment Tool (/):-

I. Arc Tool
II. Spiral Tool
III. Grid Tool
IV. Polar Grid Tool

8. Rectangle Tool

I. Rounded rectangle tool (M)
II. Ellipse tool
III. Polygon tool (N)
IV. Star tool
V. Flare tool

9. Brush Tool (B):-

10. Pencil Tool (N):-

We can make free handle any shape.
I. Smooth tool
II. Path eraser tool:- With this tool we can erase only path.

11. Eraser Tool (Shift+E):-

I. Scissors tool (C)
II. Knife tool

12. Rotate Tool (R)

13. Reflect Tool (O)

14. Scale Tool (S)

15. Shear Tool

16. Reshape Tool

17. Free Transform Tool (E)

18. Mesh Tool (U):- 

We can fill different colour in our selected object by meshing.

19. Gradient Tool (G):-

20. Eye Dropper Tool (I):-

21. Blend Tool (W):-

We can join the two different shape.

22. Symbol Sprayer Tool (Shift+S):-

We can insert symbol in our file.
I.        Symbol shifter tool:- We can insert symbol in our file.
II.       Symbol scruncher tool:- We can shift our selected symbol.
III.      Symbol sizer tool:- We can change the size of symbol.
IV.      Symbol spinner tool:- We can rotate our selected symbol.
V.        Symbol stainer tool:- We can change the colour of symbol.
VI.      Symbol screener tool:- We can use symbol as a water  mark.
VII.    Symbol styler tool:- We can apply any style on symbol.

23. Column Graph Tool (J):-

We can make the graphical presentation.

24. Art-board Tool (Shift+0):-

We can change the size of our document.

25. Slice Tool (Shift+K):-

We can slice our web page.

26. Slice Selection Tool

27. Hand Tool (H)

28. Zoom Tool (Z)

Type menu

1. Font
2. Recent font
3. size
4. Glyphs:- We can insert symbol from character map.
5. Area type option:- We can convert our text row and column and give inset spacing
6. Type on a path:- We can do setting in our path created text.
7. Fit headline:- We can arrange our selected text in to single line.
8. Create outline:- We can give node in selected text.
9. Find font:- We can find font in selected text box.
10. Change case
11. Show hidden character (Alt+ctrl+I):- We can shoe or hide hidden character.
12. Type orientation:- We can change orientation of selected text.

Select Menu

1. All (Ctrl+A):- We can select our while file.
2. Deselect (Shift+ctrl+A):- We can deselect the selection.
3. Reselect (Ctrl+6):- We can select again our deselected object.
4. Inverse:- We can do the opposite selection in our open file.
5. Next object above (Alt+ctrl+]):- We can select the object one above another.
6. Next object below (Alt+Ctrl+[):- We can select the object draw below.
7. Same:- We can select the object of same option like fill and stroke, fill colour , opacity,
    stroke colour.
8. Object:- With the help of this option we can select the object of same layer.
9. Save selection:- With the help of this option we can save the current selection of selected text
    and object.
10. Edit selection:- With the help of this option we can rename delete or modify the saved selection.

Object Menu

1. Transform :- With the help of this option we can different transformation like rotation , 
    scale, move, size etc.
I. Transform again (Ctrl+D)
II. Move (Shift+Ctrl+M)
III. Rotate
IV. Reflect
V. Shear
VI. Transform each (Alt+Shift+Ctrl+D):- With the help of this option we can rotate, move scale
      to the selected object.  
- Select the object
- Click on object menu
- Click on transformation
- Click on option
- Give the value
- Click on apply
2. Arrange:- With the help of this option we can change the order of object.
I. Bring to front
II. Send to back
III. Bring forward
IV. Send backward
3. Group (Ctrl+G):- With the help of this option we can create group of our multiple selected object.
4. Ungroup (Shift+Ctrl+G):- With the help of this option we can ungroup our group object.
5. Lock (Ctrl+2):- With the help of this option we can lock the position of our selected object.
I. Selection:- With the help of this option we can lock the select object.
II. All art-work above:- With the help of this option we can lock all object above the selected object.
III. Other layer:- With the help of this option we can lock the other layer object.
6. Unlock all (Shift+ctrl+2):- With the help of this option we can unlock our lock object.
7. Hide (Ctrl+3):- With the help of this option we can hide the selected object.
I. Selection:- With the help of this option we can hide the selected object.
II. All artwork above:- With the help of this option we can hide the object above the selected object.
III. Other layer:- With the help of this option we can hide the other layer object.
8. Show all (Alt+ctrl+3):-With the help of this option we can unhide the all hide object.
9. Expand:- With the help of this option we can separate the object line or fill colour.
10. Flattern Transparency:- With the help of this option we can apply the outline of selected text
      and give curving and also we can change stroke to outline.
- Select the text or object
- Click on flattern transparency
- Click on new
- Give the name
- Click on all convert text into outline.
- Click on apply
  11. Create Gradient Mesh:- With the help of this option we can insert rows and column in selected
        object and by selecting their nodes we can fill different colour and shades.
- Select the object
- Click on object menu
- Click on create gradient mesh
- Choose the option
- Select the nodes
- Click on colours
12. Slice:- With the help of this option we can break object or image but slice tool is used only for
      web designing , with this we slice the object in template after doing save for web object are saved
      image. In a dreamweaver for all slice. We can give different links to the object.
I. Make:- With the help of this option we can do slicing to the selected shape.
- Select the object.
- Click on object menu.
- Click on slice
- Click on make
II. Release :- With the help of this option we can remove the slicing of selected object.
III. Duplicate slice:- With the help of this option we can make the duplicate copy of selected slice.
IV. Delete all:- With the help of this option we can delete the slice created once than delete slice used.
V. Create from selection:- With the help of this option we can join the our separate slicing
    and combine into one slice.
13. Path:- With the help of this option is used in the shapes made by pen tool Eg:- To join two nodes
      or insert tp row and columns.
I. Join (Ctrl+J):- With the help of this option we can join two different nodes.
- Select the nodes
- Click on object menu
- Click on path
- Click on join
II. Average (Alt+Ctrl+J):- With the help of this option we can join the selected nodes according
    to option.
- Select the nodes
- Click on object menu
- Click on path
- Click on average
- Choose the option
III. Outline Stroke:- With the help of this option we can change the outline or stroke of any selected
      object to any other object.
IV. Add anchor point:- With the help of this option we can add new nodes to the selected shape.
V. Delete anchor point:- With the help of this option we can delete nodes from the created shapes
VI. Spilt into grid:- With the help of this option we can inset row or column to the selected shape.
- Select the shape
- Click on object menu
- Click on path
- Click on split into grid
- Give no of row and columns
14. Blend:- With the help of this option we can give blend effect to the selected object and also give
      setting to the object.
I. Make (Alt+ctrl+B):- With the help of this option we can give effect to the selected object.
- Select the object
- Click on object menu
- Click on blend
- Click on make
II. Release (Alt+Shift+Ctrl+B):- With the help of this option we can remove the blend effect from
    the object.
- Select the blended object
- Click on blend
- Click on release
III. Expand:- With the help of this option we can give separate selection to the object so that we can
      apply different movement to different object.
IV. Reverse spline:- With the help of this option we can reverse the position of blend object parts.
V. Reverse front to back:- With the help of this option we can change the order or sequence
    of blended object.
- Select the blend object
- Click on object menu
- Click on blend
- Click on reverse front to back
15. Envelope distort
I. Make with warp (Alt+Shift+ctrl+W):- With the help of this option we can give effect to
   the selected text or object.
- Select the text or object.
- Click on object menu
- Click on envelope distort
- Click on make with wrap
- Select the option
- Click on ok
II. Make with mesh (Alt+Ctrl+M):- With the help of this option we can insert row or column
     on selected text or object so that we can do changes in the shape by changing nodes.
- Select the object
- Click on object menu
- Click on envelope distort
- Click on make with mesh
- Type the no of rows or columns
- Click on ok
III. Make with top objects (Alt+ctrl+C):- With the help of this option we can change the shape of the
      text according to object . but it will change the shape only text is created in top or below
      the object but it is created behind text it will not change.
- Select the object or text
- Click on object menu
- Click on envelop distort
- Click on make with top objects
IV. Release:- With the help of this option we can remove the envelope effect from the selected object.
V. Expand:- With the help of this option we can separate the applied envelope and object.
- Select the envelope applied text or object.
- Click on object menu
- Click on envelop distort
- Click on expand
VI. Edit content (Shift+Ctrl+V):- With the help of this option we can do changes in envelope
      applied text
- Select the envelope applied text
- Click on object menu
- Click on envelope distort
- Click on edit content.
16. Live Trace:- With the help of this option we can do the tracing of our selected image.
I. Tracing Option:- With the help of this option we can the tracing in image
- Select the image
- Click on object menu
- Click on trace
- Click on tracing option
- Choose the colour type
- Click on ok
17. Text Wrap:- With the help of this option we can arrange the image or object in between text and
      we can also remove it.
I. make:- With the help of this option we can give text wrapping to the selected object.
- Arrange the object on text
- Select the object
- Click on text wrap
- Click on make

II. Release:- With the help of this option we can remove the text wrap from the wrapping text.
III. Text Wrap Option:- With the help of this option we can set space between text or object
- After applying text wrapping
- Select the object
- Click on object menu
- Click on text wrap
- Click on text wrap option
- Set the margin for left, right, top, bottom.
-Click on ok
18. Clipping Mask:- With the help of this option we can show different shapes on to the selected
      object if you want to show different shapes on to the selecting object.
      E.g:- If you want to show this image into shapes.
(I).Make it is used to apply mask on the object.
- Select both object
- The object which you want to arrange , paste it behind.
- Click on object menu
- Click on clipping mask
- Click on make.
(II). Release:- With the help of this command we can remove the mask from the selected object.
19. Graphs:- This command is used to changes the design of a chart or data of a chart .
- Draw the charts.
- Enter data
- Click on ok
- Click on object menu to change.
- Click on graph.
- Click on data
- Click on new in data window
- Enter the data
- Click on ok.


                                                             Next Lesson Adobe Illustrator cc Part-2


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