CorelDraw Training Course Part-1

What is CorelDraw?

CorelDraw is a vector graphic software allowing the user tp produce world class
illustration with 16.7 million colour. with CorelDraw you can create illustration from scratch enhance the design use and scanned photo of your digital art and send your finished work out in many ways.


Note:- In Corel every tool have different property by which we can give change to the object made by that tool.

1. Pick Tool:- 

This tool is used to select the object move the object, to set the position of height and width to give rotation , text wrapping stroke width etc.

2. Shape Tool:- 

This tool is used to give curving to the option.
(A) Add nodes:- We can insert new nodes on shape
(B) Delete nodes:- We can delete the nodes on shape.
(C) Join two nodes:- We can join two different nodes.
(D) Break Curve:- We can break the join node.
(E) Convert curve to line:- We can convert curve to straight line.
(F) Convert line to curve:- We can convert line to curve line.
(G) Make node a cusp:- After using this option we can move and curve line in different direction
(H) Make node smooth:- We can give the smoothness to the cusp node by which we can curve the shape in both direction.

3. Rectangle (F6):- 

This tool is used to create rectangular shape.
Property option:- We can change height and width, rotation angle, flip object, corner round etc.

4. 3 Point Rectangle:- 

We can create rectangle by draw line.

5. Ellipse (F7)

6. 3 Point Ellipse

7. Polygon

8. Star:- 

We can create star.

9. Complex Star:- 

We can create complicated star.

10. Graph paper (D):- 

We can create graph paper tool by giving no of row or column.

11. Spiral:- 

We can create spiral shape.

12. Basic Shape:- 

We can create basic shape.

13. Smudge Brush:- 

We can spread the colour in selected object and can change its shape

14. Roughen Brush:- 

We can give zigzag effect to the corner of selected object.

15. Free Transform:- 

We can give transformation to the selected object with the help of property.

16. Crop Tool:- 

We can crop the selected object.
- Select the object.
- Select the crop tool or draw on it.
- Double click on object.

17. Knife Tool:- 

We can cut the selected object according ti option.
(A). Leave as one object:- When we cut the object with this option we can see object together.
(B). Auto close on cut:- We can cut selected object in to two different object.

18. Eraser (X):- 

We can erase selected object.

19. Virtual Segment Delete:- 

We can delete selected object.

20. Zoom (Z)

21. Pan (H)

22. Free Hand (F5):- 

We can create free hand shape.

23. 2 Point Line:- 

We can draw line.

24. Bezier:- 

This tool is used to create free hand shape.

25. Artistic Media Tool:- 

We can insert new shape using some predefines brush style.

26. Pen:- 

We create shape. 

27. B Polyline:- 

We can create free hand shape.

28. Polyline

29. 3 Point Curve

30. Smart Fill Tool:- 

We can fill colour in selected object.

31. Smart Drawing:- 

We can make free handle any shape.

32. Text Tool (F8):- 

This tool is used to write in CorelDraw. Text is two types
(A) Artistic text:- When we write the text on simple click we call it as artistic text for normal text designing we use artistic text in Corel.
(B). Paragraph text:- When we write the text after drawing paragraph , it is called as paragraph text. Paragraph text is used with bullet, tabs, Paragraph setting or drop cap etc.

33. Table Tool:- 

We can draw table by giving no of rows and columns

34. Blend Tool:- 

This tool is used to give blend effect on two selected object arrange the object according to path.

35. Contour Tool:- 

We can apply effect on selected object.

36. Distort Tool:- 

We can distort the object for giving different shape
E.g:- Push and pull distortion, Zipper distortion tool, Twister distortion tool.

37. Drop Shadow:- 

We can apply shadow to the selected object.
- Select the object.
- Select the shadow tool
- Stretch on object
- Set from property bar.

38. Extrude Tool:- 

We can give 3D effect to the selected text or object.
- Select the text or object.
- Stretch with mouse and set the depth.
- Set the colour using the property bar. 

39. Transparency Tool:- 

We can make the object transparent can give according to option.
- Select the object
- Select the transparency tool
- Draw on object tool
- Choose the type like linear, radial etc.

40. Colour Eyedropper:- 

We can pick the colour from one object and fill in other

41. Outline Pen (F12):- 

We can change the width, colour, Cap style, Dash style
and can give arrow style.

42. Outline Colour (Shift+F12):- 

We can open colour window and change line colour.

43. Uniform Fill (Shift+F11):- 

We can fill the colour to the selected object according to value or mode by opening colour window.

44. Fountain Fill (F11):- 

We can fill gradient colour to the selected object. 

45. Pattern Fill :- 

We can fill bitmap, 2- colour or full colour pattern and we can also change its size.

46. Texture Fill:- 

In this dialogue there are pre-defined texture in the library which we can fill to the selected object after giving modification.

47. Post Script Fill:- 

We can fill two colour texture to the selected object.

48. No Fill :- 

We can remove the filling from selected object.

49. Colour:- 

We can give line or fill colour on object.

50. Interactive Fill:- 

We can fill texture, gradient colour, pattern, postscript etc to the selected object.

51. Mesh Fill:- 

We can insert row or column to the selected object, and fill different colour to the selected mode.

Arrange Menu

1. Transform:- This command is used to give transformation to all selected object.
E.g:- To give rotation, change size, scale or movement etc. we can give transformation according to its center point, horizontal or vertical position or according to its value same transformation we can apply on selected object or duplicate object.
(A) Position (Alt+F7)
(B) Rotate (Alt+F8)
(C) Scale (Alt+F9)
(D) Size (Alt+F10)
(E) Skew
- Select the object
- Click on arrange menu
- Click on transformation
- Choose the option 
- Give the value 
- Click on apply
2. Clear Transformation:- We can clear the transformation applied on selected object.
3. Align And Distribute:- We can give alignment to the two selected object. we can give alignment according to top, bottom, Left, Right etc.
- Select the object
- Click on arrange menu
- Click on align and distribute
- Choose the option.
- Align Left (I)
- Align Right (R)
- Align Bottom (B)
- Align Horizontally (E)
- Align Vertically (C)
- Center to page (P)
4. Order:- We can arrange the object
(A) Front of page (Ctrl+Home)
(B) To back of page (Ctrl+End)
(C) To front of layer (Shift+Page Up)
(D) To Back of layer ( Shift+ Page down)
(E) Forward one (Ctrl+Page up)
(F) Back one (Ctrl+ Page down)
(G) In front of
5. Group (Ctrl+G):- We can arrange our selected object.
6. Ungroup (Ctrl+U):- We can ungroup the group object.
7. Ungroup all:- We can remove the grouping object.
8. Combine (Ctrl+L):- We can combine or join the two selected object.
9. Break part (Ctrl+K):- We can break the combine object we can also break paragraph into line, Line into word and word into character.
10. Lock object:- We can lock our selected object after that we can not move the object.
11. Unlock object:- We can unlock the all locked object.
12. Unlock all:- We can unlock all locked object.
13. Shaping:- Option of shaping used on two object e.g to add two different object , to cut the object weld, Trim, Intersect, Simplify, Front minus front.
14. Convert to curves :- We can curve the shape of selected object and then we can give shape to the selected node of selected object.
15. Convert Outline to Object(Ctrl+Shift+Q):- We can convert the line of selected object in to object.
16. Join Curves:- We can close the nodes of selected shape. 

Layout Menu   

1. Insert Page:- We can insert page in our file.
2. Duplicate Page:- We can create duplicate of our selected page.
3. Rename page:- We can change and give the name of selected page.
4. Delete Page:- We can delete the selected page from the file.
5. Go to Page:- We can go to one page to another page by giving page number.
6. Switch page Orientation:- We can change the layout of our opened page 
e.g:- Portrait to landscape or landscape to portrait.
7. Page Setup:- We can change page size page layout, background of page like colour, image etc.
8. Page Background :- We can change the background of page like colour image etc.

View Menu

1. Simple Wireframe:- We can convert our file in wireframe and hide the colour.
2. Wireframe:- We can convert out file in wireframe and hide the colour.
3. Draft:- We cannot apply gradient, texture, pattern etc.
4. Normal:- We can convert our file in normal view.
5. Enhanced:- We can do normal work in our file.
6. Simulate Overprints:- We can do normal work and see our object transparent when we on overprint fill or overprint outline.
7. Full Screen Preview:- We can see our file on full screen.
8. Preview Selected only:- We can see the selected object on full screen.
9. Page sorter view:- We can see all the pages of a file at once.
10. View Manager:- We can save different zoom view of a file
e.g:- If we want to work in the same zoom % then we can save zoom view.
11. Rular:- We can show or hide rular bar.
12. Grid:- We can show or hide gridline on a page.
13. Guidelines:- We can show or hide guidelines.
14. Show:-
(I) Page Border:- We can show or hide page border.
(II) Bleed:- We can show or hide dotted line on page border.
15. Snap to grid (Ctrl+Y):- We can do snapping to grid.
16. Snap to guidelines:- We can do snapping with guidelines.
17. Snap to object:- We can do snapping with object.
18. Dynamic guide (Alt+shift+D):- We can show dynamic guide. it show angle on the movement of object.
19. Grid and rular setup:- We can change the measurement of rular or size of grid.
20. Guideline Setup:- We can do setting of guideline.
21. Snap to object:- We can set the snapping format of an object.
22. Dynamic guide setup:- We can show that which angle to be used.

Text Menu

1. Character Formatting (Ctrl+T):- We can give formatting to the selected text.
E.g:- Font size, font style, etc.
2. Paragraph Formatting:- We can do formatting selected paragraph.
E.g:- Alignment, Left, right first line indent to change text angle, give spacing in paragraph line etc.
3. Tabs
4. Column
5. Bullets
6. Drop cap
7. Edit Text (Ctrl+shift+T):- We can do modification in selected text.
8. Insert Symbol Character (Ctrl+F11):- We can insert symbol in text.
9. Insert formatting code:- We can insert space, hyphen, dash, symbol etc between text.
10. Fit text to path:- We can arrange the text on any shape.
- Select the text.
- Click on text menu
- Click on fit text to path
- Click on object.
11. Align to baseline (Alt+F12):- We can arrange the letter of text in a line.
12. Straighten Text:- We can arrange the character in a proper sequence.
13. Paragraph text frame
(A). Show text frame:- We can show or hide the sign of paragraph
(B). Fit text to frame:- We can fit the text according to frame.
(C). Link:- We can make link between two paragraph
(D). Unlink:- We can unlink the link frame.
14. Use Hyphenation:- We can switch to hyphen option.
15. Hyphenation Setting:- We can do the hyphen setting
16. Writing tools
(A). Spell Check (Ctrl+F12):- We can check the spelling mistake.
(B). Grammatical:- We can check grammatical mistake.
(C). Theasures:- We can check the meaning.
(D). Quick correct:-  We can check the meaning.
17. Change case (Shift+F3):- We can change the sentence to lower case, upper case, sentence etc.
18. Convert (Ctrl+F8):- We can change paragraph to artistic text or artistic text to paragraph text.
19. Text Statics:- We can see the information details of selected text like no of lines, no of character, no of word.
20. Show non printing character:- We can show or hide paragraph mark, space, sign etc.
21. Font List:- We can change the setting of text e.g:- auto correct , font paragraph frame etc. 


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